
New app update

We submitted another uddate to fix some issues introduced with the new VIP codes page.

It should be available for everyone very soon. Please check the Google Play app to download the update.


The new update fixes some issues with displaying and updating of VIP codes and should improve performance a bit.


You can read the complete changelog below:

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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Theez (Friday, 30 August 2019 00:03)

    The new update is shit, half the app isn't viewable. Its just git blacked out borders. Fix it...

  • #2

    Bl4ckSh33p (Friday, 30 August 2019 21:51)

    @Theez Do you see the menu on top? Where are the black areas? There's a Screenshot above.

  • #3

    Clast (Monday, 02 September 2019 01:01)

    I really like the new codes section except for one thing. I'm not sure why on the VIP codes you chose to make it tap & hold to scroll instead of just a normal scroll like the rest of the app. The tap & hold to scroll just makes it awkward. Otherwise the new code section is very nice. Thank you!