
Borderlands 3 Hotfixes October 17, 2019

This week’s Borderlands 3 hotfixes, which will be live on all platforms by or before 3:00 PM PDT today, adjust Legendary gear across all manufacturers. Our goal with Legendary gear is to enable a large variety of playstyles and builds for all characters. After looking through the data, we found that that some pieces of Legendary gear were greatly outperforming others and felt they were limiting builds instead of increasing them. In addition, some of the damage output of Legendary gear limited the growth in combat engagements for the future so we tuned everything to an acceptable median. We expect all Vault Hunters to be able to create amazing builds and we want to support that with more ways to grow and reach those power levels.




  • Westergun damage increased by 25%
  • ASMD damage increased by 28%
  • Cutsman damage reduced by 25%


  • Ten Gallon damage increased by 8%


  • Sickle reload speed increased by 25%
  • Faisor damage increased by 15%
  • Infiniti damage increased by 40%
  • Magnificent damage increased by 25%
  • Jericho damage increased by 40%
  • Lucian’s Call accuracy and handling reduced
  • Lyuda Critical Damage Bonus decreased by 30% and made a modification to address a reported bug that an extra bullet was spawned in the center

The Lyuda’s functionality is to split the projectile from 1 to 3 after a certain distance. It was reported that the original projectile was never destroyed in the process of splitting so 1 projectile actually became 4. Addressing this concern effectively removed a full shot’s worth of damage which auto-corrects the base damage of the weapon. Since we increased all sniper rifle critical damage bonus in a previous hotfix, we reduced some of the critical damage bonus on the Lyuda.




  • Try-Bolt damage increased by 25%
  • Alchemist damage increased by 25%
  • Devils Foursum damage increased by 13%

Flakker now consumes the full magazine when fired and damage is reduced by 33%

Flakker was greatly outperforming other shotguns due to the number of projectiles and the high rate of fire. We initially believed the resulting projectile spread would cause most of the explosions to miss the target, however this turned out to be false, so we reduced the projectile damage and allowed the weapon to only fire once per magazine. This change encourages players to capitalize on different stat bonuses to maximize the weapon’s damage output.

  • Laser-Sploder rocket projectiles spawn interval increased by 0.4 seconds


  • Maggie damage increased by 35%
  • Hellwalker damage reduced by 8%


We found that a couple of the Legendary Hyperion weaponry bypassed the Hyperion manufacturer playstyle too easily making their bonuses greatly outweigh the penalties. The Butcher was drastically outperforming all metrics and we chose to reduce the damage in order to keep the fast fire rate.

  • Conference Call damage increased by 15%
  • Crossroad accuracy reduced and it now fires 3 projectiles instead of 4
  • Butcher accuracy reduced and damage reduced by 25%


  • Vanquisher damage increased by 20%

Children of the Vault

  • Skeksis damage increased by 15%
  • Linoge damage increased by 20%
  • Pain is Power damage increased by 25%


  • Ruby’s Wrath damage increased by 10%


Hex and Firestorm were calibrated to the wrong grenade modifier. These two grenades were envisioned to specialize by applying elemental DoTs to targets. Instead they were resulting in large amounts of damage and the elemental DoTs were minimal. We realize this is a drastic change on both of these grenades, but we did not want to remove the spectacle of the grenade (number of grenades spawned, number of targets hit, etc.) and focused on allowing their core identity to be emphasized instead of them continuing to just be high damage grenades.

  • Hunter-Seeker damage increased by 25%
  • Hex grenade damage reduced by 70% and duration reduced to 3 seconds
  • Firestorm damage reduced by 70%


It was reported that the Legendary artifact, Elemental Projector, had a bug resulting in the max value being displayed at 183% instead of the actual max value of 113%. Therefore,  we addressed the discrepancy and reduced the max value to 90%.

  • Elemental Projector damage max roll reduced to 90%


The current state of Moze’s Iron Bear, Zane’s Digi-Clone, and FL4K’s pets have made players focus on other elements besides those Vault Hunter’s fundamental action skills in the late game. While longer term solutions to scaling their damage is explored, we have boosted the health of Iron Bear, the Digi-Clone, and the pets to make them more viable. We will have more to say about long term solutions for these characters in the future.

  • Iron Bear: health increased by 50%
  • All pets’ health increased by 50%
  • Digi-Clone: health increased by 100%
  • Addressed a bug with Salvation where grenades were giving life-steal


  • Psychos will now use their True Vault Hunter Mode name in True Vault Hunter Mode
  • Removed the optional Rare Spawn missions from Galaxy Progress
  • Addressed a reported bug where Completely Sane Sid didn’t always become hostile when using FL4K
  • Addressed a reported bug where Ratch would not properly spawn during “Ratch’d Up”, which potentially blocked completion of that side mission
  • Included a modification so Lilith would continue to move toward the door in Shiv’s confession chamber during “From the Ground Up”
  • Lowered the chance for a weapon to drop from the Pachinko machine
  • Included a modification so that Zane’s Digi-Clone will no longer spawn into the cage in Cistern of Slaughter
  • Shield Boosters were modified and are now set for autopickup
  • An addition was introduced so Eridium chests are no longer listed as Red Chests in the ECHOcast extension on Sanctuary III


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Comments: 16
  • #1

    BadMondays__ (Friday, 18 October 2019 02:29)

    Balanced automatic pistol nuke shotgun with potato scope

  • #2

    R3ACHER (Friday, 18 October 2019 03:13)

    This is a PVE game, lol. Let's go ahead and nerf everything fun about it to the ground while we are at it.

  • #3

    Me (Friday, 18 October 2019 04:13)

    I know right they are literally taking everything good out, like hey if u use this certain gun alot and get alot of kills with it we are gonna nerf it so u don't want to use it anymore, plus they nerfed the hex grenade completly. I personally have the recurring hex an it was amazing, best in the game in my opinion... Well not no more

  • #4

    ffy cloud (Friday, 18 October 2019 04:21)

    Bring some wtf customisation option everyone would enjoy building own shit

  • #5

    Gearfox (Friday, 18 October 2019 04:31)

    You enjoying it not any more

  • #6

    SlowBro135 (Friday, 18 October 2019 07:14)

    Nice, let's not fix the split screen menu lag issues. Let's nerf everything so no one wants to play anyways. What's the point of your game anymore. Find a cool gun to have it nurfed a week later. Complete bull shit if u ask me.

  • #7

    Gearfix (Friday, 18 October 2019 08:31)

    Nice Hotfixes, I need 15 Minutes to take down the anointed... So I play another Game. Good luck Gearbox

  • #8

    Chunky Boy AU (Friday, 18 October 2019 09:21)

    Thanks Gearbox, you've just ruined a great game for no reason at all. You have lost a very loyal and massive fan with all your ducking around. You go and spoil any fun us share average players were having for no reason. I'm off to play another game and will never play BL3 ever again ���

  • #9

    Coconut (Friday, 18 October 2019 11:10)

    Please see what can be done about split screen and the fact that it causes lag all the time

  • #10

    Kingjuhnke (Friday, 18 October 2019 18:09)

    I lost everyting ive collected, cosmetics an all my bank items due to updates, fix that first

  • #11

    Vince (Friday, 18 October 2019 20:42)

    It's not gearbox it's Paul sage that guy was messing up eso when he was running the show there when he left the game got better, we just have to wait intill he's gone for the game to get good again

  • #12

    SolaceTRU (Saturday, 19 October 2019 04:30)

    Legitimately considering uninstalling the game now i knew epic having anything to do with it was goin to ruin borderlands but i didnt think itd be this bad

  • #13

    Wolferdogpup (Sunday, 20 October 2019 02:30)

    I've been a fan of Borderlands since the first game. You guys wanted to attract new players and keep the old ones as well. But she's not going to do that if you keep nerfing and patching all the fun stuff on in this game. People will leave it and not want to play anymore. Just a side note.

  • #14

    Lasse (Sunday, 20 October 2019 04:54)

    Gues it, s the former hex grenade owners Who is complaining here. If a weapon is ower sized by error it should be corected!. Better to speculate in perfekt tree skill combo using the brain than everybody running around with the same weapons.

  • #15

    R3ACHER (Monday, 21 October 2019 06:28)

    @Lasse, I wouldn't jump the gun on that conclusion.
    My biggest gripe is their solutions in balancing this game from the start. I dont have Flak, but disagreed with how they continually nerfed him. Saying it was to balance. But in reality, it was more than likely because they wanted the over 50% player base that was using him, to force them to play one of the other characters.

    I use Zane and Moze. I never used the grenade build with Moze, until I thought I'd give it a try last week because of the rare spawn event. I farmed the Red Jabber for 5 hours to get a hex grenade to drop. Then two days later, said hex grenade was essentially useless. I'm not upset because I can't use the build, just that if I'd know, or I should have known better, that they were going to do that, I would not have wasted so much time in perfecting that build.

    This trend in nerfing everything first before addressing bigger issues is why most are complaining, because what's the point? Thus making them think twice about turning on B3 or watching Netflix.

  • #16

    Gliph (Tuesday, 22 October 2019 10:10)

    Why are they nurfing game when they shiuld br balancing othrr weapons to match the strong ones, simple.. No more nurfs Gearbox buff to balance an please focus on things that matter, like player inventory lag, if my friend is in menu i cant run gearbox think about that just think about that.. I cant run.. Leave the weapons alone fix the real problem. Gearbox.